Eve compress ice. Fill cargohold to maximum Step 2.

Eve compress ice E. Oct 12, 2024 · Ice can also be compressed in Upwell structures with active Standup Reprocessing Facilities, or by an Orca or Rorqual with an Ice Compressor and an active Industrial Core. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Mar 24, 2020 · I do a lot of mining in High Sec. Ice compresses at 1:1 ratio down to 10% of the original volume. Hauling compressed material is like hauling 10 times the amount of mass due to the fact that compression is 1/10. It's a small concern to mining waste and compression loss nvm timed compression. Whenever the Orca got full, I warped to a POS to compress the ice and then back in to my bookmark below the ice belt, realigned, and continued. Capacity: 20,000,000. compare any ice with mercoxit mercoxit: 3000 units (= 120'000 m3) needs 228 seconds (less than 4 minutes) to compress and yields 6 units compressed (= 6'000 m3) Jan 30, 2024 · I’ve searched the topic of REPROCESSING ORE and have found very dated or conflicting information regarding the values in doing so. Coherent Ore Processing (6x) Reduction in Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Jaspet, Kernite and Omber reprocessing waste. Edited for clarity! Ancient Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (ores, minerals, clouds Ancient Compressed Ice) fitting, attributes and screenshots at EVE Online Ships The ice compression needs to be moved into line with the rest of the ore compression. Perhaps it’s about time ore compression was added to hi-sec NPC stations. The only thing you could do was in spaceship compression where people can interact with you. This often happens after I have mined millions of m3 and need to “compress Sep 20, 2020 · There isn’t, so try to refine the ice products close to where you use them as it’s much easier to haul the compressed ice. Reply reply More replies Click the referral link below to receive One Million Skill Points in EVE!https://www. You can't compress moon ore in a station. has granted permission to fuzzwork. Jun 18, 2022 · To use on-grid compression, you also need Shipboard Compression Technology. But the primary reason to use an Orca is for high sec moon mining. Put in your skills, facilities available, and minerals required (Eventually you'll be able to save skills, if desired) and you'll get back the compressed ores which best fit that set. The moment you find out that it's literally a passive activity, with a really high skill point requirements, that scales all too well with multiboxing - you may literally quit the game in response. 01. I often find a station that initially has reprocessing and compression capabilities, and I use that station to compress ore (sometimes for only a few weeks) and then all of a sudden, the station no longer has reprocessing or compression available (it is suddenly “disabled”). " What are the concerns about allowing the Porpoise to compress Ice? With level 5 it can hold 10,930 Compressed Ice. I believe a new window pops up, and you have to actually press the „compress“ button there. try the game: https://www. 28 19:59:00 - Even with a fleet, with the ability to compress the ice m3 into next to nothing, the amount of time to dedicate is tremendous unless it's something you find engaging. If you are mining for profit and not use I would always sell the compressed ore, mainly out of convenience. 11% of original volume. I can mine a Charon full of ore, compress it, and probably be able to ship it to highsec with my blockade runner (unless its Spodumain, different ores have different compression ratios, and Spod gets the short Apr 30, 2021 · sadly it is inefficient. 24 02:30:00 - - Quote Example: I have a cargo bay size of 126k m3. You might consider an Orca for high sec ice mining if you have nowhere in system to drop off your ice and compress it in station, but it isn't necessary if you can compress in a station. so if i mine ice i'm sponging orca buffs off someone else. has granted permission to Eve Trade Terminal to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and EVE-Cost is a 3rd party tool for manufacturers in EVE-Online to help ease all the management stuff a player needs. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you run out of manufacturing slots or ice Ores currently compress at 100:1 ratio down to 1. I don't mind that too much though. Shattered Wormholes have Ice/Gas/Ore. For a fee of course. Basically instead of right click, compress, confirm, you would just select, press hotkey (bonus points if the compressed ore adds up on the preexisting stack). But tankier, more versatile, and moves faster if fit So instead of adding skills and module to compress as we can compress already instantly. Volume = 100 m3. Ice prices in eve online Mar 17, 2023 · Or if you can haul it to where you need it and do not mind making the trip a few more times to move the gas in uncompressed state, then I wouldn’t compress either. a venture can transport 5 blocks of ice or 50 blocks of compressed ice while it never be able to put more than 1000 units of C32 (5m3/unit) into the ore hold. Besides that more holds mean that you can move more stuff. I’m perfectly fine with the change, I just don’t understand it. Omber at 100:1 ratio down to 0. The ice compression needs to be moved into line with the rest of the ore compression. Where you apply the ice pack also makes a difference in how Jun 15, 2023 · I don't mine ice that often so I don't have my own orca, it does have the ice compressor though so, if you're mining ice then you will want an orca over the porpoise (or a mackinaw purely for the space). Compression will not change the reprocess yield of ore, the same type and amount of uncompressed ore and compressed ore will yield the same amount of Veldspar currently compresses at 100:1 ratio down to 1. 08 14:25:00 - - Quote Oct 19, 2023 · Get ONE MILLION Eve Online Skill Points: http://eve. How come the Porpoise doesn't have a medium ice compressor? I can see the Orca gets Gas, Ice, Asteroid, Mercoxit, and Moon compression but the Porpoise only has Asteroid, & Gas. Would I be better off just reprocessing ice into minerals? Check first the prices for arkonor and the ice type you have aviable. com/channel/UCVy1M_1OvZqBuOre6q-mz7g/join ⭐️USE C Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Can one compress it? RC Denton: Posted - 2007. Got the skills queued, and the Equip ready to be installed. 00 m3 Jul 25, 2023 · About The Compression Array. Common Moon Ore Processing (5x) Using pochven you can get to any market easy from any part of lowsec. Orca could get a specific bonus to ice compression. 07. The Orca and Rorq compress Ice and Moon Goo. Mar 4, 2020 · Compression has become a central feature to everyday gameplay for industrialists. CCP was blaimed for making everything more complicated. The new feature is available via Shipboard Compression Technology modules that allow all members in the mining fleet (you and any nearby fleet-mates over 200 kilometers) to compress resources while in space. To begin processing, right click the item from your hangar and select reprocess, or drag it to an opened reprocessing window. now you need about 1 jump freighter load full of gas to build 1 carrier and half a dst for a gila Dec 10, 2021 · Lastly, in-development plans for a compression revamp, heavily involving the Orca and Rorqual, have been delayed into early 2022 in order for all changes to be thoroughly evaluated and for the resulting features to be a positive and engaging gameplay experience. If you use an Orca or Rorqual for hauling, you can now additionally move a lot of gas/ice on top of the ore. Switch website EVE Wreckbench Compressed Blue Ice orders. Devs, can the Orca bandwidth be modified so that the band width is maxed at 250 and drone bay a larger size without the ability to I could make more on ice as I mine the mercoxit and the bistot, crokite, arkonor, kernite and even pyroxeres for my corps industrial needs or to sell to the Pandemic Horde buy back agents. 26 13:53:00 - - Quote EVE Markets Index - A balanced Fisher / Marshall-Edgeworth index. 5% of the original volume. I already haul the Merc to a station to compress. if you want to you can raw in station Welcome to /r/pressurewashing, a community dedicated to the art and satisfaction of pressure washing! From professionals to beginners, we all share a love for this powerful transformation process. But it not having ice compression is too punishing for miners. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! The bay could be doubled yea. com/ People will just compress in a POS they online real quick at no added risk. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. Yields one compressed ice unit by consuming one ice unit. If you want to make isk mining in relative safety of highsec, I suggest looking into level 4 mining missions. I submit 5% reduction in Drone ice harvesting cycle time 5% bonus in Mining Foreman Burst range Role Bonus: • Can fit Medium Industrial Core 400% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range 50% bonus to Drone ore mining yield 90% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command and Mining Foreman Burst Modules Feb 24, 2018 · Any player owned structure that allows you to reprocess also allows you to compress. Since they haven't been seeded yet you won't be able to compress (I don't know if this means a rorqual has lost its innate compression ability when sieged on a rock) EVE Workbench 1. 215 blocks per hour with maxed rorqual boosts which is around 160m/hour Krystallos. As posted above, M. Skills Needed. Pro-tip: if you use the "simulate ship" option, you can view the cargohold size - for the specific fit, with your skills applied - right next to the drone bay icon, on the bottom, center-left of the fitting window. I used the Porpoise all the time for Ice in low sec. . As of my understanding we can: Compress at station - 100% Rorqual - 75% POS with Compressing Array - 75% Is this still correct? You need to be in range of a porpoise, orca, or rorqual that is actively cycling its ice compression module. good luck running 30-40 hulks mackinaws rule at the high end hulks king for mid-scale mining (and if you just hate life and never want to be able to look away from eve but want max $$$ per account) Mar 8, 2019 · Elliott says the best way to use cold therapy for a headache or a migraine is to apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. As long as the barge is within range, you can now right click the ore and say „compress“. 5 sec ice belt. Both processes are done in a POS. 1 Like SaylaZumDeikun (SaylaZumDeikun) August 27, 2024, 1:17am Ancient Compressed Blue Ice (ores, minerals, clouds Ancient Compressed Ice) fitting, attributes and screenshots at EVE Online Ships Nov 12, 2021 · Mobile gas compression modules; Mobile ice compression modules; For the Orca & Porpoise: Compact mobile ore compression modules; Compact mobile gas compression modules; Compact mobile ice compression modules; The Rorqual modules have a higher duration per cycle, but they are more efficient (fewer resources are lost during compression). Mar 20, 2014 · The stats for the Compression Array are below: Note: the Compression Array may only contain ores and ices. Nov 12, 2021 · one compact compression module can support 2 procurers/retrievers, 1. Mining with drones is not very efficient and most of the time they depend on players giving tips. -1 means 'as much as you have to' Ice compression should be adjusted so that it is inline with ore compression in terms of duration of the compressing process. Miasmos, for lowest skilled and cheapest by a large margin. They all have an AB propelling them at 1,158 m/s at maximum, an ECM Burst Jammer II, are fitted with a Ice Miner II and upgrades in all three of the low slots, have a Prototype Cloaking Device and a Tractor Beam I, and carry three light combat drones, two EC-200s, and a salvage drone. The maximum extra is so you can limit the overage on Ores. Eve-mining website is a place where any miner will find something useful for himself. I suggest that the ice compression bp's be changed to 5 or 10 second base per cube in order to make ice compression meaningful again: FleetAdmiralHarper The Caldari Independent Navy Reserves 16: Posted - 2013. Pyroxeres at 100:1 ratio down to 0. This array does not have a particular restriction on security level and may be anchored in Empire sovereign space. Dec 6, 2009 · Now lets look at any compressed ice blueprint. com/signup?invc=7c540407-ac0f-45c7-85b4-0f7cfa0f481fJoin me as I want to be able to find a place reasonably close place where I can compress ore. As So if you threw 100 units of raw ore into the reprocessing system it would equal 1 "Batch Compressed" block. While sharing the same name, the contents of a Clear Icicle Belt are different in High Sec, Low Sec higher than 0. I actually preferred it when those compression arrays didn't exist in. given the high slots were already in high demand for tractor beams and mining boosts, it would help if the compression time were adjusted downwards and more highslots (with additional pg/cpu) were available. E. But it not having ICE compression but instead has gas compression, makes absolutely no sense. 2k of input ore in a single module (seems like you can fit multiple modules). In terms of ships the porp will be terrible at mining ice since it has only one rather weak ice mining drone. Aug 25, 2024 · If you’re wanting to compress ice and moon ore, you’ll need an Orca. And fitting a Retriever with defences is similar. New in-space compression modules will be added to the Rorqual, Orca, and Porpoise, which also add the ability to compress Gas and Moon Ores for the first time. Capital Shipboard Compression Technology (3x) Allows use of capital ore, ice, gas, Mecoxit and moon ore compressors. Jul 25, 2023 · About The Compression Array. You will be offered a choice of many interesting articles, useful functions, calculators and much more. I've literally been mining gneiss in a c13 with a prospect and also using it to haul the compressed ore back. So you're limited in that way from the off. So in that way if they all fit in the ore hold, their reprocessed materials should all fit in the mineral hold. I use a max cargo Iteron (40k m3 if I recall correctly) to haul the ice products between stations, but even then I sometimes need to make multiple trips. 5 mackinaws/covetors/skiffs or a single hulk (doubled for a rorqual). Lets assume a service charging 600isk/m3 Uncompressed 6k isk Compressed 600 isk While you loose 5% on uncompress. 1 compressed ice (100 m3) = 1 uncompresed ice (1000 m3) For DG and CDG you will usually still find their sell price higher than what you could get with a 100% refine and sold all the ice products via sell orders. It really gave those ships more of a purpose. CCP also has not factored in other perspectives as well. It might even be better if the ice prints were changed to 10 blocks of ice per run. Fast haulers (2-3 trips) or a venture (3 trips) are other options. Is there anyway to compress the ice without buying the Rorqual? Agree on this, coz there'll be those who compress a lot into a t1 hauler Question though, - gas is sold on the market as-is quite fine, but if the compressed version becomes an item also on the market it would become two entries, with two different prices etcetc itll never be a perfect conversion between the two. Get your Omega codes here. youtube. MWD is for fast align for the most part, but you can run it for a bit to burn toward rocks. Step 1. LvL4 and 5 only unlock Orca specific modules Business, Economics, and Finance. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I have the following compressed ice in stock: Dark Glitter Glare Crust Gelidus Smooth glacial Mass selling in bulk, if interested pleased drop me a message in game. It prevents afk mining, if you can't keep up use some thing slower to mine with, try a venture, or Mac with 1 laser so you don't have to compress so often, real men go full blast and compress and don't cry it about it's to hard to compress that many accounts and hulks, change ships or use less accounts. compare any ice with mercoxit mercoxit: 3000 units (= 120'000 m3) needs 228 seconds (less than 4 minutes) to compress and yields 6 units compressed (= 6'000 m3) Sep 4, 2024 · 3D Cooling Sleep Mask Blackout-Gel Eye Mask for Cold Compress, Cooling Weighted Eye Mask for Sleeping, Zero Eye Pressure, Ice Cold Pack, Cold/Warm Compress for Puffy Eyes FSA HSA Eligible-Black 4. New compression ratio is now 100:1; Batch Compressed asteroid ore is no longer able to be created, but can still be traded and refined. And I’m all for it. . Compressed ice takes up only 100 m 3 per block and, like compressed ore, compressing ice does not change its reprocessing yield. 0 m3 vs 100 m3 Conclusion: Compressed Ice blueprints for standard high-sec ice isn't worth the effort of purchasing or using the I'd love to compress in space, but the porp can't compress ice, and I don't have an Orca just yet due to lack of skill and general lack of isk (story of my life). I think it was mentioned but you want a alt in a porpoise to compress for serious ninja mining Bonus each core indy ship to a specific type of compression, but they can still compress other things at a lower efficiency. There will be a point where the tradeoff of moving compressed gas starts to be preferable --even with some losses-- compared to moving much larger volumes of uncompressed gas. While for max yield you want to fill all the low slots with mining upgrades, using one of the three low slots for a damage control module adds a lot of defences at the cost of a little yield, so that’s a tradeoff you can make. The higher your exhumer/mining skills the more you will make per hour, don't forget to factor in shipping or processing costs to your time. its ice. Sell (112 orders) Buy (64 orders) Region Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using I would suggest avoiding mining like a plague as a new player. Ice isn't an ore, neither is gas, yet they all fit in the ore hold with asteroid ore. So what i been reading is you need a Rorqual to compressor ore and ice. 3 Odebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory : 265. Hell I didnt even used to put a fit on them. the porp is only able to compress regular ore and gas. Dark Glitter could easily pull 500m for one hour due to its position in a -0. Compressed Ice can go into the Ore Hold (630 compressed Ice with skill level 5). 3 minutes max skills to compress 10. But one day, it'll happen. Maybe we can come up with a “tax” for compressing the ore, so that when a miner wants to compress the ore, a % of it goes to the orca (might need to think a solution for big rocks, like ice). Yes you can compress 1:1, but its a gotchaits now 100:1 compressed blocks versus the "Batch Compressed" blocks. Pages: [1] :: one page Compressed Blue Ice orders. Asteroid Ore and Gas. Dec 9, 2024 · All ice require 1 unit to process, with compressed ice simply taking 10x less volume (100 m 3) than non compressed ice (1,000 m 3). Sell (41 orders) Buy (82 orders) Region Station Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by Oct 14, 2024 · The Procurer fit I shared above would be nice for that. Edited by: Explorers Ascendant on 05/12/2008 22:06:34 Is CCP taking the **** with the compression times with ICE? 70 odd pieces take about an hr to compress? I have been watching the materials market for a while now, and following the ore doubling patch and in-space compression patch, we're seeing the price of primary materials (ore, minerals, moon goo, ice products) tanking, between 5 and 40% in value in the last 30 days. When I started back a few weeks ago there were some changes to mining and the Orca. Aug 6, 2024 · Porpoise can’t compress ice, either. Mercoxic is an Asteroid Ore. 24 02:30:00 - - Quote ICE COMPRESSING BLUEPRINTS - where to get them? Seems NPC stations and markets are swiped. Yet, a full ore hold of minerals takes a matter of minutes. 000,00: 35 / 36 Aug 29, 2022 · Can we have the Purpoise to have a Medium Moon Ore Compression available please At the moment this ship can handle Ore, Gas and Ice compression but not Moon, why not? Surely it would make sense as sometimes you dont want to be in an orca in low sec space Ithink this would be a good idea for miners, also new salvage parts from ships instead of just a heap of twisted metal Mar 18, 2023 · Also market, compressed ore is much easier to transport and sell. However to get ice the drone bandwidth for a ice drone is 50 that is the max bandwidth for a Orca. The devblog lists "The Porpoise will be able to compress Gas and Asteroid Ore, and both the Orca and Rorqual will be able to compress all resources - Gas, Ice, Asteroid Ore, and Moon Ore. Sep 7, 2023 · Ice: Produced By: Compressed Thick Blue Ice Blueprint: Description: Interstellar ices are formed by accretion of gas molecules onto silicate dust particles. Fill cargohold to maximum Step 2. Both ore and ice can be compressed, which simply reduces the size for shipping by a huge amount (no other advantages, no disadvantages). What's the best way of reducing ice volume? I believe compressed ice is only 10% volume of raw ice (so it goes from 1000m^3 to 100m^3 per block). Aliventi Burning Napalm Northern Coalition. It only has 2 avenues. Ok. As of my understanding we can: Compress at station - 100% Rorqual - 75% POS with Compressing Array - 75% Is this still correct? Here is a video discussing the ore comression mechanic in EVE Online since i still get questions about it pretty often. I researched my compression BPO to P. EVE Time: 19:06:38 09. I wouldn't use the rorqual on small rocks - just glitter and faction ice. Question: ICE COMPRESSING BLUEPRINTS - where to get them? Seems NPC stations and markets are swiped. 31%) A retired serviceman who read templar one, knew a bit of lore, streamed on twitch and gained a fan base there, made a cameo in "emergence trailer", self proclaimed FW player and helper of highsec new bro but in truth has no less malro drama involved than nullsec blobs, likes to talk about things he has no idea about, like he thought triglavian systems could stay as highsec because he wants to Support the site. Porpoise should be able to compress Mercoxic. Nowadays (As of April 2018) it's a serious weapon for the industrial backbone of major nullsec alliances and also sees use as a PvP ship as well, using its high drone damage and capital tank to good effect. Ice mining is more important than ore mining for any group that has structures to fuel. 00 (-2. When citadels are introduced as far as I can tell a small miner like myself won't use one, I like to mine not spend 7 days guarding a structure from anyone who can pay 50 million to war Nov 17, 2024 · Summary. It's almost the same time as the 300 scripts for links which is 3h. If you don't know anything about the T1 haulers then read the Eve University wiki pages first Compression ratios nowadays are simple: compressed ore is either 1% (for asteroid ore, moon ore, and Mercoxit) or 10% (for ice and gas cloud) volume compared to their uncompressed version. Ice is an important highsec cash crop and 2). The new compression has also devalued what they have worked so hard for. 12. The Mack will only need to warp out after a good long time on the belt. /r/EVE is a place to discuss In my opinion, compression arrays and compression in general at station really broke the porpoise of the rorqual, porpoise, and orca. Which, looking at the high-sec compressed ice info. If you want to be able to compress moon ore and ice, you have to risk fielding an Orca. I don’t understand the mining “waste” mechanic, or the Just "I need 5000 veldspar" that means "5000 veldspar no matter which compression state" Then there is also gas, moon, ice and special ore compression. The Orca should be able to choose Nov 18, 2022 · CCP says they support the Porpoise to let it do what it always has done. Ice compression should be adjusted so that it is inline with ore compression in terms of duration of the compressing process. The capacity of Jet-cans will be doubled to make it easier for high-volume miners and haulers to work together more efficiently. EVE Online ships screenshots: 1472. 02 (+0. research is pointless, as the material on compression BPO is extra. Put your ore on your hanger floor (ie not in a container) and right click. 46%) SELL 220,000. 0 with a Higgs rigged Orca and three barges. 14. g. Then it changes how compress: No more hassling in others fleet hangar. If I'm near my Corporate Hangar array, I can do a maximum 4 runs of 126 units of ice each. Oct 30, 2024 · Players boosting mining fleets usually dont get much from doing so. CCP hf. Compressed ore is generally preferred to minerals - it takes up less space in the Jump Freighter and reprocessing yields in Nullsec are a lot higher. After reviewing the prices of common OREs in Jita, etc. Compressed Blue Ice (ores, minerals, clouds Ice) fitting, attributes and screenshots at EVE Online Ships. Aug 1, 2021 · When material is compressed it takes up less space, but it does not lose mass. Compressed Blue Ice: BUY 196,893. I would figure that's the match point but the rorq takes 3x the heavy water so ehh. Don't use a drone nav computer in the mids, always hug rocks instead. Mar 28, 2022 · New "Compressed" variations of all types of Mykocerosin, Cytoserocin and Fullerites have been added. Apparently we can compress Ore/Ice/Gas in the Hold while flying. Compression blueprints are quite redundant and annoying to deal with, which is why they are being removed altogether. 1 EVE Workbench 1. 53% of original volume. Please note that we are removing compression blueprints altogether in favor of a more user friendly solution. I did so at the Kentucky Fried Chicken station in Airkio (yes, that is its actual name) but some time during the past 24 hours they removed that service so I can't do it there anymore. gas comes in m3 like ores and ice. And so it needs an Ice Compression Module. Rorqual could be the only one to compress moon ore, but can still do ice, asteroid, and gas at a lower efficiency which can be made less-worse with skills. Occator, with transport ships 4 your fleet hangar holds 62,500 (625 Compressed Ice). Shouldn’t hauling all that compressed material add an equivalent amount of mass to a ship? All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. So the Orca can only field 1 ice mining drone at a time. Do simulated fittings for the haulers before buying a new ship to check achievable cargo space for your skills. For the people that will say this would help out botters, I don’t think a botter cares that much if their automated You can use a porpoise to compress your ore, but it's a very tedious process to compress ore that is already in a station. Before the Citadel Expansion the Rorqual was mostly a toy for Mining Forman Links Bursts and ore compression in the field. eveonline. yet CCP forgets that a Porpoise can access Shattered Wormholes. EVE Online and the EVE logo This structure contains equipment needed to compress various ore and ice materials for easy transportation across the universe. EVE Online Ice Ore Refine Price: Blue Ice, Clear Icicle, Compressed Thick Blue Ice, Compressed White Glaze, Dark Glitter, Enriched Clear Icicle, Mar 9, 2022 · Compression in EVE Online allows you to save some valuable storage space in your cargo bay by compressing certain resources. uk to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information Jan 27, 2023 · I could, but, Mercoxit spawns in the same belts as the common ores. all it takes now is 2 hulks to overwhelm a rorquals compression abilities. I chalk-up most stupid prices to sellers looking for marks that haven't done their homework. Especially if your hauling the compressed ore with a prospect. The option to compress should be available. Can you use the blueprints for the ice in a certain type of factories at a station? I want to mine ice in high sec and move it to low sec for profit. Compressed Asteroid Ore has been updated. 1. Refine vs Compression? 78. The lack of an ice compressor is a major disadvantage because 1). Took me a while to find this. Use one blueprint and one manufacturing slot to compress all 126 units Step 3. My point is, when I can compress the other 2-3 mil m3 in an Anom, with a Porp, why not be able to compress 100,000 Merc with the same ship? Reserving Ice and Moon Goo for the Orca and Example: I have a cargo bay size of 126k m3. 3333333 but im pretty sure 2 barges can outmine what a that table says an orca can compress, in terms of veldspar. I get why Moon ore compression is denied to it. Support the site. But the Porpoise is rather shite at that. New compression ratio is now 10:1 Aug 20, 2023 · Why don’t we have a compression hotkey yet? It’s such a simple addition but a huge QoL improvement for miners. Before we always had a 75 vs 100% compression rate compared to Station compressing. 08. Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. Compressing it would be very very useful. I could jet can mine with the barges while keeping the Orca aligned. With a Porpoise dedicated toon, you probably want to skill it to lvl3, which unlocks the gas compressor in case you want to play in low at some point. qty Expires First seen; Metropolis: 0. The new compression is based on different modules. Also, the current compressor stats are pretty atrocious on SiSi. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you run out of manufacturing slots or ice The Rorqual is limited to the amount it can compress in a single job (number of runs) by the amount it can carry. Imo just check how much ore and ice you pull in an hour and their prices Increasing cost of operations. Jan 22, 2023 · While the industrial core is active, you can press the asteroid compression module. This structure contains equipment needed to compress various ore and ice materials for easy transportation across the universe. I believe the porpoise can compress too at this point. Why not add the code to compress moon ore with the current engine and focus on something else that would allow players to do more in-depth and maybe mining or maybe miners could mine materials to build capitals our battleship. It seems that skilling a new character to reprocess the ORE as opposed to compressing it and selling raw will never add ISK value to the indy process, with my understanding that around 70% is the max value I mine Ice and ore in hi-sec, I refine the Ice and send the mats it to Jita and mine ore, compress it and send that to Jita. Boo fucking hoo I do it. Crypto Which is 90m/hour mining Krystallos, 60m~ hour the other nullsec ice types. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Anywhere else, Hulk and Orca for sure. Additionally, there are no medium sized compressors of Ice, Moon ore, and Mercoxit for the Porpoise to equip. and if i'm mining by myself Jan 3, 2018 · These ores can be compressed free of charge at any Citadel with a reprocessing service module and buy order pricing in Jita looks pretty good - which tells me these ores are still in high demand. Jan 13, 2022 · The base value is 58% (8% bonus from the structure in low sec with rigs), my skills are Lv 5 for Reprocessing (15% bonus), Reprocessing Efficiency (10% bonus) and Simple Ore Processing (10% bonus) and I get an additional bonus of 4% from my Reprocessing RX-804 implant. This results in a full compression cycle of 250 units coming up to around 3 hours of compression time. The covetor on the other hand with the boosts and ice skills to V will eat up the ice. Jan 25, 2023 · The Porp is the smallest of the mining boosting platforms. Compression is key, nobody wants uncompressed ore. tv/🚀 Join the Inner Sanctum: https://www. 1 and in Low Sec with security 0. 271: Posted - 2013. 6 out of 5 stars 101 all it takes now is 2 hulks to overwhelm a rorquals compression abilities. So a little less. com/channel/UCVy1M_1OvZqBuOre6q-mz7g/join ⭐️USE C Greetings! As mentioned in this week’s Road To Fanfest Dev Blog, there are upcoming changes to material compression, giving an improved team-mining experience. Feb 15, 2022 · The Porpoise will be able to compress Gas and Asteroid Ore, and both the Orca and Rorqual will be able to compress all resources - Gas, Ice, Asteroid Ore, and Moon Ore. Apr 26, 2021 · Instant Ice Cold Pack (6” x 5”) - 25 Packs Disposable Instant Ice Packs for Injuries | Cold Compress Ice Pack for Pain Relief, Swelling, First Aid, Toothache, & Outdoor Activities -Subscribe & Save Actually, even at 600 faction ice blocks per hour (sub-50% max yield) you can easily make 180m/hr. Compression will continue to be loss-less. loru. 00 m3 Ask for a fleet invite, compress the ice in the Hulk and Jetcan it into the Mack. 27% of original volume. 00-5,200. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. The real challenge with Ice is the fact that it only compresses at a 1:10 ratio rather than a 1:100 ratio like Ore does (Compressed Ice is 100m3 each). The only compressors for it are the ones for asteroids and gas. I know some that have gone to 36. I used to mine ice in 0. Compressed Ice has been updated. co. There are five types of compressors: Asteroid ore, Gas cloud, Ice, Moon ore, and Mercoxit. The different holds are probably a hack to make sure the different modules work only on their specified resource. It's not as efficient as Orca or even a Retriever but its much lower price and better agility compared to Orca make it more flexible, so you don't spend ages traveling between rocks or systems with ice belts, and you can even leave one in every system with an ice belt and use a interceptor to travel between them if you have the will to afk mine . When ice mining equipment preservation does nothing (it arguable does nothing normally as well). Anchoring Level 1 Attributes. Why not have Ice compression produce volume reductions similar to that of Ores? Rowells Unknown Soldiers Fidelas Constans 1074: Posted - 2014. Source: Am Miner, prefer Gallente haulers. You need to be able to mine regular ore, ice, and gas for these missions. 46 +898. I used a tractor beam to pull full cans to the Orca. Please bring ice compression to the Porpoise we need it. The New Compression is backwards too think on it. Note that ore can only be compressed in multiples of 100, so any units of ore you have that are not a multiple of that will not be compressed. Let's use a sample size of 100 Export (Compressed) = 60k isk Export (uncompressed) = 600k isk Jita prices: Compressed: 70k per unit Uncompressed 79k per unit Since taxes are the same % it will be ignored. Compressors come in three sizes: Medium Compressor for Porpoise, Large Compressor for Orca, and Captial Compressor for Rorqual. I’m sure, as with most things in EVE, it’s a risk vs reward thing. Looks good. Sell (34 orders) Buy (91 orders) Region Station Price (ISK) A Clear Icicle Belt can only be found in one of the ice systems (see below for the full list of High Sec and Low Sec systems). You have to load the porpoise with 62,500 m3 of rocks from your item hangar, undock, turn on your core, right click the rocks in your hold, left click compress, left click compress again on the dialog box, turn off the core, wait 90 seconds for the cycle to complete, dock Mar 2, 2023 · It’s been a while since I played. You can't compress mercoxit with it at all, nor can you compress ice. Due to its unique chemical composition and the circumstances under which it forms, blue ice will, under normal circumstances, contain more oxygen isotopes than any other ice asteroid. Skilling it up will enable you to use fancier modules. Scordite at 100:1 ratio down to 1. 2025 Log in or Register ? Dec 5, 2023 · Get ONE MILLION Eve Online Skill Points: http://eve. Just get a boost, and righclick compress right in your hangar. The current system also creates an issue whereby experienced players can bully and push away new players All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. So it should be the opposite. Ice compression times are extremely painful, as each run takes 1 unit of ice and compresses it down to 100 m-¦. The fee wouldn’t be much but just enough to encourage people to use a citadel if they really want to min-max. Large Ice Compressor I orders. Ice I 1000 333. bkcyqeiu uvi axaeue fpmo uin tgygafs ptlyrgb apopi wnfjji bjnt