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Uiscrollview contentinset not working The UIScrollView class scrolls its content by changing the origin of its bounds. app). Here my code at textFieldDidBeginEditing. - (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { // The scroll view has zoomed, so you need to re-center the contents CGSize scrollViewSize = [self scrollViewVisibleSize]; // First assume that image center coincides with the contents box center. Nov 21, 2012 · Setting UITableView ContentInset. for a bar), or the keyboard height. I had this working before, but after making several changes to my app (including implementation of auto-layout) the auto-scrolling no longer works (for my specific case, I am shifting my content when the keyboard appears). This was not occuring in Beta 1. . This approach used to work on earlier iOS versions: This approach used to work on earlier iOS versions: Mar 31, 2015 · The question is about contentInset, not contentOffset. UIScrollView contentInset not working. bottom += adjustmentHeight scrollView. scrollIndicatorInsets. As the keyboard is dragged off the screen the scroll indicators do not resize correctly - that is until it has been completely dismissed. 0f; Sep 29, 2014 · If this is the case, I recommend you use the property contentInset of UIScrollVIew to "scroll up For example: float yourKeyboardHeight = 70. contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0,0,yourKeyboardHeight,0); Mar 5, 2014 · These special constraints, from your content view to the UIScrollView, do not behave like normal constraints. [self. 0f, 5. Once they are in place, the UIScrollView can calculate its content size. top=0, so it may hide some content behind the navigationBar or Notifies the scroll view when the adjusted content insets of the scroll view change. If you are using autolayout, then the contentSize property stops working and it will try to infer the content size from the constraints. when the user scrolls all the way up to the left, Jun 3, 2020 · Nice job, I really hope they pay you well wherever you work! @DonMag sadly, I will not mark this answer as right just yet because it doesn't answer my question. top = 100 . I'm applying the following method when the uitextfield gain/loose the focus : -(void)enableInset { CGFloat offSet = -30. bottom) setContentOffset(bottomOffset, animated: true) } } Note that you may want to check if bottomOffset. h. Is there anything that am missing respective to iOS11. To make this work with Auto Layout, the top, left, bottom, and right edges within a scroll view now mean the edges of its content view. Setting contentInset of UIScrollView not working. So, for example, if the content is taller than the frame, we can drag-down and see a "gap" between the top of the content and the top of the scroll view frame. Here are some useful parameters. e. Here is what I have currently. Is some sort of code required for scroll views Mar 24, 2014 · If you want your initial display of your scrollview to include an initial content offset, then set the contentInset value in viewDidLoad. g. size // Get the existing contentInset for the scrollView and set the bottom property to be the height of the keyboard var contentInset = self. Only after the swipe does the curtain set the correct indents. refreshControl = UIRefreshControl() Jan 19, 2014 · I print out the nextResponder, which is the UIScrollView, so I know that I am sending the touch to the view, but I never see the scrollview want to scroll. frame) == true { //the UIView is within frame, use the UIScrollView's scrolling. top) animated:YES]; does the job for me – Apr 20, 2016 · This is my understanding about UIScrollView (iOS 7): contentOffset defines the point of origin of the content view; contentInset effectively can add "padding" around the content view; In Xcode, I created a single-view application. Charlie Oct 21, 2015 · Great that you found a solution. top == 30 However, visually the contentInset of someView remains unchanged. y < contentInset. Because of the fixed sizes this will not work on different screen sizes (like iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus). [super viewDidLoad]; [self. UIScrollView的frame与contentsize属性的区分:UIScrollView的frame指的是这个scrollview的可视范围(可看见的区域),contentsize是其滚动范围。 contentinset(不带*号的一般不是结构体就是枚举),为UIScrollView增加额外的滚动区域。(上,左,下,右)逆时针。 Jan 17, 2019 · How does contentOffset and contentInset work for UIScrollView in iOS 7? 1. Here is the description of my situation and problem: I want to add the UINavigationBar into the ContentInset area and UIWebView in ContentSize area of UIScrollView so that UINavigationBar can go and disappear with the web content outside the top of May 5, 2021 · Update. However, I'd like to try and get this to work without any workarounds (ie adjusting the UIScrollViews contentInset, etc) because in theory it should work. On UIKeyboardWillShow I increase contentInsets bottom value by adding keyboard height. Backing up Vasilii Muravev answer you have one last mistake. When animation is finished content is scrolled a little in upper direction. height) { // Bottom bounce isBouncing = true } else if contentOffset. Because the UIScrollView class provides out-of-the-box functionality for scrolling and paging, it is generally used as the basis for UIViews whose content is larger than the UIScrollView's Frame. bottom iOS 11. I've referred to apple's documentation and used the following code to try and Jan 22, 2024 · A UIScrollView will allow you to drag past the edges. Changing UIScrollVIew Content Inset triggers Apr 1, 2020 · Finally, storyboard is not showing any errors. It doesn't. 2) The translucent effect of the UICollectionView behind the UIToolBar and the keyboard is gone Jun 6, 2014 · I use a custom view on the UIScrollView, for pull to refresh function, and the scroll view is not scrollable. The default value is 0 for top, bottom, right, and left. Bounds automatically changes on UIScrollView with content insets. Remarks. self. top { // Top bounce isBouncing = true } return isBouncing } } Sep 10, 2015 · i'm working on a project where i have a tableview and a uitextfield. height/2, right: 0) How do I do this using Auto layout? Jun 30, 2009 · If you do not want horizontal scrolling, you most likely do not have horizontal content that exceeds the width of the superview. contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(7. bounds. 0 UIScrollView setting contentInset in May 18, 2023 · To add an extra inset in UIKit, you can assign an additional inset to contentInset property like this. top they don't appear below the navigation bar, which is what I am expected. So I kind of doubting this solution as the correct answer. The contentInset is added around the content. Dec 10, 2018 · I am having an issue in which relying on convertRect to properly report a y position to use to calculate a contentInset is not working on iOS 12. Jul 31, 2021 · UIScrollView has a property where it "insets" the content so that the safe areas are not overlapped. In I have a UIScrollView (actually a UICollectionView, but that probably doesn't matter). Jun 24, 2016 · I created a UIScrollView and SubView in XCode 5 and iOS 7. Jan 23, 2020 · contentInset is margin from UIScrollView to innerView. contentInset = contentInset self. UITableView scroll indicator under UINavigationBar after modifying contentEdgeInset. I've got a fairly straightforward scroll view setup, and I want to get rid of the contentInset. 7. contentSize. contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 12 Feb 26, 2012 · If you're doing this for iOS 7, you may have to take into account the UIScrollView contentInset, unfortunately. Jul 11, 2014 · I am new to objective-C programming. scrollView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsZero]; In my storyboard, my scrollview starts from the bottom of the navbar. Changing UIScrollVIew Content Inset triggers scrollViewDidScroll. I set AutoLayouts to UIScrollview. This solution is from Apple's code which is good to show the textView up above kb only and doesn't stick the bottom of text view above kb. First, related question and its solution on stackoverflow assumes that UIScrollView is the root view of UIViewController. After spending 3 ~ 4 hours, I solve it by contentInset. James I tried to use swiftUIintrospect to set the contentinset directly on the underlying UIScrollview but even this solution doesn't seems to work. convert(keyboardFrame, from: nil) var contentInset:UIEdgeInsets = self. This may be the case here, since you're setting contentInset. Modified 6 years, 3 months ago. Jul 17, 2018 · UIScrollView is pinned to controller's view edges. I assumed this would make scrolling work. let height = tableView. Use this property to extend the space between your content and the edges of the content view. It can be changed by setting setting the contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior property of the UIScrollView instance like so: scrollView. Run the app and now the content should be centered when zoomed down to the minimum scale. Adjust scroll view's inset within a Apr 9, 2016 · In my code which shown below, I am creating a scroll view and adding an Image View in it. bottom += adjustmentHeight } On the simulator/device when the default iOS keyboard is used this seems to be working properly. bounds rectangle. In iOS all views have a visible area represented by the view. 1 UIScrollview resting at incorrect contentOffset (-20 px, not Mar 3, 2016 · I want to use the Top Layout Guide in the UIScrollView through Auto Layout. I try set contentSize with AutoLayout, and try set it by codes too. 5. Setting a UITableView's contentInset through Storyboard in Xcode 6. contentOffset. Then you can use Auto Layout. contentInset = UIEdgeInsets (top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 30, right: 0) SwiftUI You can't directly control an inset in SwiftUI, but you can indirectly control it by specifying a view that blocks your content in the . app's behavior, I have a UIScrollView and beneath it a text field, and trying to animate it so that when the keyboard appears everything is moved up above the keyboard using a constraint that moves the field up (and the UIScrollView's height changes as well due to autolayout) and also setting the Dec 7, 2015 · The thing is that when I set a breakpoint to check the scrollView's contentInset, it shows 64 on top and 49 on bottom, left and right are zero. Changing the bounds origin of the superview does not change the position of the view. 5, y: 0. frame. UIScrollView contentInset . Viewed 369 times Nov 19, 2023 · Setting contentInset of UIScrollView not working. func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { if scrollView. Nov 29, 2019 · Setting UIScrollView's contentInset for keyboardWillShowNotification not working properly. So when I call: Jan 4, 2015 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. When it appears in IOS 7, the navigation controller sets its contentInset and contentOffset to values I don't After setting contentInset of WKWebView, I found if I use default swipe gesture to navigate between pages, WKWebView will not reserve the contentInset and just jump to the top, does anyone know how Aug 22, 2009 · Both @Erdemus and @JosephH solutions work, but the UIScrollView subclass approach seems preferable: If contentInset is not needed for anything else, Jan 23, 2019 · As expected the view does not scroll when the onscreen keyboard is not displayed, so apparently the adjust function works fine, it just does not scroll on its own. Aug 12, 2016 · Code not working: func scrollViewDidEndZooming(scrollView: UIScrollView, with view: UIView?, atScale scale: CGFloat) { print("I just finished zooming!") } Question: What might be going on here, why isn't scrollViewDidEndZooming() getting called? Note: I've referred to the below document with no luck. height self. Sep 1, 2013 · I'm afraid this is not how contentInset works with a UITextView. let tableView = . y >= verticalOffsetForBottom } var verticalOffsetForTop: CGFloat { let topInset = contentInset. Oct 23, 2015 · To get scrolling to work correctly, it is a combination of (a) the bounds of the scroll view, less any contentInset; and (b) the contentSize, as calculated for you from the constraints of the subviews. 18 ios UIScrollView have a bad default contentOffset - swift. May 8, 2018 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. I wrote a post on how you can configure UIScrollView using Auto Layout without the fancy new layout guides. : contentContainerStyle={{ paddingBottom: 150 }} 👍 9 thatgriffith, mjurfest, HuriHuchi, vishnumad, mrvntech, Sowed, Bardiamist, lvnr, and ZHRhodes reacted with thumbs up emoji 🎉 1 mjurfest reacted with hooray emoji 🚀 2 Jan 30, 2014 · Autolayout is activated (and that's a good thing) in your storyboard. May 19, 2015 · I am working with fully auto-layout. NSValue). height. Aug 3, 2016 · Setting contentInset of UIScrollView not working. Oct 29, 2013 · However, the UIScrollView's contentInset is {0, 0, 0, 0}, so I am wondering why it doesn't inherit the content inset from the view controller as the documentation states it would. That worked for the first call to contentInset but then broke after subsequent Oct 2, 2014 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. UIScrollview contentOffset is different in iOS 6 vs iOS 7. 5) // When the content offset gets set, figure out what the Mar 23, 2021 · UIScrollView的contentSize、contentOffset和contentInset的理解. top, left: insets. scrollVIew. contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: self. Jan 30, 2023 · When building various kinds of scrollable UIs, it’s very common to want to observe the current scroll position (or content offset, as UIScrollView calls it) in order to trigger layout changes, load additional data when needed, or to perform other kinds of actions depending on what content that the user is currently viewing. size. The UIScrollView class is a container that provides scrolling, zooming, and panning functionality of its content view. Aug 8, 2016 · I then go on to set the contentInset: let contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0,getKeyboardSize(notification). contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 40, bottom: 0, right: 40) scrollView. However this solution is not ideal. UIScrollView setting contentInset in viewWillLayoutSubviews or viewDidLayoutSubviews. tableView. Aug 5, 2014 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. This is working as expected in iOS10. But when I embed the UIButton in UIScrollView, it doesn't. May 26, 2017 · Given a UIScrollView with any of its standard properties configured (e. Then text field back to keyboard. Our labels text is going out of the Scroll View frame and we can’t see them. Oct 23, 2017 · 回顾以前所说的,当处于 ①(文末)情况时的scrollView,系统会自动修改其contentInset属性,举个例子:如果存在状态栏和导航栏,则contentInset的top值则会被修改为64,内容自动下移64。 Oct 9, 2011 · extension UIScrollView { var isAtTop: Bool { return contentOffset. Jun 6, 2012 · A simple work around of setting the main view as a UIView and attaching a UIScrollView on top of it works. 8. 3: Jun 24, 2014 · It's not that it is not supported, it is that it feels broken. scrollView. But when I upgraded to iOS11 with Xcode 9, it is not working. cgRectValue. framework重的UIView)是UIKit. never Note that it is not the contentOffset, but contentInset that gets Here's my solution that works universally with any tab bar or navigation bar combination or w/o both, translucent or not. Then I have a sub-UIView with a UIScrollView as a sub view. The content view is a subview of the scrollview, so why in the world is its frame not changing?! Changing the bounds origin of the superview does not change the position of the view. If you wish to dynamically change the contentInset and have the contentOffset change as well, then you need to adjust the contentOffset at the same time as the contentInset. Dec 22, 2019 · I am working with UIScrollView and UIStackView to scroll horizontally and { let scView = UIScrollView() scView. 在iOS中,UIScrollView(继承UIKit. e. Somehow UIScrollView is unsatisfied, and decide to restore to the larger bounds. May 16, 2014 · Here you see two rectangles: the visible area; the total area; Scrolling is changing the origin of the visible area within the total area. Any idea where is the mistake. Oct 23, 2014 · However, the content view does not move at all. In IB, I added a UIScrollView to the view controller, and embedded the controller in a navigation controller. m Oct 21, 2021 · 1. See Apple's documentation for contentInset where it states: The distance that the content view is inset from the enclosing scroll view Use this property to add to the scrolling area around the content. @interface MyViewController : UIViewController @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView; @end MyViewController. How does contentOffset and contentInset work for UIScrollView in iOS 7? 5. scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(320, 0) animated:YES]; NSLog(@"CALLED"); } I can see viewwillappear is running but unfortunately it is not setting offset. Jan 23, 2017 · If you are tearing your hair out trying to figure out why scrollRectToVisible isn't working, Apple seems to have changed something (at least with iOS 8 in my simulator) where if the rect is outside the UITableView, UICollectionView or UIScrollView content frame, it doesn't even bother trying to scroll to it. contentInset //Here you should save the PREVIOUS_BOTTOM scrollView. 14. 1. Below code was working: [self setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:YES]; Updating question after comment from OP (UPDATE) Oct 14, 2014 · I am working with a UIScrollView and am unable to auto-shift the content when I change the view's contentInset property. Jul 28, 2015 · UIScrollView attempts to shrink its bounds (since no need for the area underneath the toolbar). Nov 11, 2013 · textview. Step 1) let insets = scrollView. I tried subclassing UITableView and overriding contentInset and adding 44 to conentInset. alternatively, you can pass style to contentContainerStyle. The scroll view still cannot scroll. contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: insets. height == UIStackView. but it didn't help. Hot Network Questions Jun 15, 2016 · /// Scroll direction enum ScrollDirection: Int { case Vertical case Horizontal } /// Custom UIScrollView class class CustomScrollView: UIScrollView { // MARK: - Static Properties /// Touches allowed static var disabledTouches = false /// Scroll view private static var scrollView: UIScrollView! Jul 25, 2018 · → UIScrollView has 3 main properties, known as contentSize, contentOffset, and contentInset. I have turned off Autolayout and already tried with "Adjust scroll View Insets" on (situ Mar 12, 2018 · I have a UIScrollView created in Interface builder, now in that UIScrollView there's a UITextField. height) * (show ? 1 : -1)) scrollView. → Content-Size : ScrollViews offer a lot of power to developers with a little setup and code. Unfortunately autoresizingmask is not working and the image shown on a portion of the screen. Below is the code I'm implementing: Jan 14, 2014 · Setting contentInset of UIScrollView not working. top return -topInset } var verticalOffsetForBottom: CGFloat { let scrollViewHeight = bounds. UIScrollView contentInset Autolayout issue. After some debugging I realised that the top inset was 0. It’s because Scroll contentInset is still not working on Android. Since setting this position is so common when working with scroll views, UIScrollView has a contentOffset property that you can change which will have the same effect as changing the bounds origin. UIScrollView with Content View. Oct 18, 2013 · In a UIScrollView, the alternative to use contentInset is to simply make the contentSize larger and offset the frames of the subviews of the UIScrollView. When the keyboard disappears the view readjusts to normal again, so that part is working fine. I am seeing an empty gap between sectionHeader and tableHeaderView. To give inner space to childView. I am setting up a UIScrollView inside the initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method of a UITableViewCell subclass like this: Discussion. But I think there may be a good solution to Jun 4, 2009 · extension UIScrollView { func scrollToBottom() { let bottomOffset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: contentSize. I've done this previously through a package called RXKeyboard, which reactively gives me the height of the keyboard: Oct 31, 2012 · NSValue let keyboardSize = keyboardInfo. contentSize = contentView. height - tableView. y in didSet. framework中的一个可以滚动的视图,最常见的UITableView、UICollectionView就是继承了UIScrollView。 Oct 10, 2017 · Make sure the UIScrollView's content size is set up correctly. Unfortunately on iOS 11 suing the above method, I was am not getting the correct value. Dec 27, 2013 · For the record, i'm detecting both bounces on Swift 4 using this category: extension UIScrollView { var isBouncing: Bool { var isBouncing = false if contentOffset. Then the UIScrollView has a sub-UIImageView. I'm having a problem with contentInset not working for a UIScrollView to work with a keyboard popup. 0 Sep 18, 2014 · I have a simple UIScrollView with 2 UITextFields in it, and a piece of code which does not make any sense to me, but it is working. frame Dec 22, 2013 · This is not working for me though because every time I set the conentInset my scrollView automatically scrolls up just a few pixels and thats it. The scrollable size of a UIScrollView is computed based on the constraints of its subviews. When starting editing the field, the goal is to set it above the keyboard. top == 0 3. Commented Apr 8, 2014 at 11:29. The way it works now is that it starts out off-center because when it calls the recenterContent method, before the view is displayed the content size of the scroll view is CGSizeZero, so the calculations are wrong. And there would be no problem with static UITableView's but in my case I have to reload it's contents, switch to UISearchDisplayControlleretc. I agree with you that while you might be able temporarily to change the content size of the scrollView, it reverts quickly; moreover, there are no delegate methods either for UIScrollView or WKWebView that I can find Aug 7, 2017 · class KRScrollView: UIScrollView {// This is a reference to the scroll view's content view var contentView: UIView? = nil // This is the content offset expressed as a ratio between 0 // and 1, from the center, not the top left corner var contentOffsetRatio = CGPoint(x: 0. scrollView. Label jack is on top right below the navigation bar. When the keyboard opens, I'd like to change the ContentInset of the UIScrollView to fit the keyboard. iOS中,UIScrollView是可以滚动的视图,其中最常用的UITableView就是继承了UIScrollView。 contentSize、contentInset和contentOffset 是scrollView三个基本的属性。 contentSize: 即内容,就是scrollview可以滚动的区域,比如frame = (0 ,0 ,100 ,200) contentSize = (100 ,400),代表你的scrollview可以上下 I added a method to make the scroll view to scroll to top of it. Mar 23, 2020 · Are you working on a project that cannot target iOS 11 yet? No worries. The point at which the origin of the content view is offset from the origin of the scroll view. – Work around: Put everything in the UIScrollView into another UIView, and put that UIView as the only child of the UIScrollView. 3. contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero; [textview setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, startypos + offset_yshift) animated:NO]; I tried manually setting contentSize. contentInset), how can I get the minimum and maximum contentOffset? I. view by kb height. height + contentInset. curtainView. height/2, left: 0, bottom: self. When the contentOffset is changing, you still never see any of the red scrollview. 4 it is scrolled so that the UITextFiled is visible instead. As far as I know, these two approaches yield identical result. 2. 0f, 7. There appears to be a gradient clip applied by the focus engine. Can you tell us more about "the solution that handle layout correctly" and when this will be available? We are working on a workaround which resizes the webview but it makes footer transparency and overlaying header/footer broken so it is not really satisfying. UIStackView follows. I know that is because UIScrollView is not the same hierarchy level with Top Layout Guide. Last UITextField (end of the view before done button): I set setContentOffset in textFieldDidBeginEditing, it works fine but when I try to scroll (at keyboard shown), UIScrollView is back to normal. bottom = keyboardFrame. 0. Add to UIScrollView. The unit of size is points. billViewScrolled2 is CustomView (UIView) Dec 3, 2015 · This code will scroll the UIScrollView to its bottom when the keyboard is showed due to a UITextField inside the UIScrollView has become first responder on iOS6. As for your problem, you need to modify UIScrollView's contentSize somehow in order to achieve desired May 13, 2010 · It's always good to show a complete working code snippet: // in viewDidLoad (if using Autolayout check note below): UIScrollView *myScrollView; UIView *contentView; // scrollview won't scroll unless content size explicitly set [myScrollView addSubview:contentView];//if the contentView is not already inside your scrollview in your xib/StoryBoard doc myScrollView. They're much bigger than the UIView of which they are subviews. Jan 10, 2018 · If I'm using a UIScrollView with a non-zero left/right contentInset and add a UIRefreshControl, the refresh is positioned incorrectly making the UI and animation look bizarre. Oct 11, 2013 · Trying to do something similar to the Messages. Starting from iOS 11 there is even more advanced APIs to work with safe areas, please find it here. m. scrollIndicatorInsets scrollView. I set the background color of the scroll view to be red and the background color of the content view to be black. MyViewController. They can be all set to 0. 1 then why contentInset is not working – user3496826. Therefore if you ensure the contentView width does not exceed the width of the scroll view, that will automatically resolve the problem as UIKit recognizes there is no horizontal content to scroll to. UIScrollView Setting contentoffset in viewwillappear not working. It works around the usage of contentInset, but the question is how to work exactly WITH the contentInset and manage it via Auto Layout. scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(self. If things near the end is messed up (the end of whichever direction your UIScrollView scrolls), change the constraint at the end to have the lowest possible Jul 25, 2014 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. x, -self. top - tableView. Aug 9, 2016 · I have a UIViewController that is attached to a class, Swift code below. This is the screen (I am using Auto Layout): Here is the code: Oct 23, 2015 · If the UIView is not within frame, that means that the tableView is taking up the entire window, and therefor should have authority to scroll. Is my method of passing the touchEvents up the responder chain correct? Is there anything else I need to configure to get the scrolling to work? Any help is appreciated. When the content view is taller than the scroll view, the scroll view enables vertical scrolling. Ok, that works better! Two problems though: 1) My scroll to bottom method does not work in viewWillAppear: anymore - only in viewDidAppear: making the initial scrolling to Bottom (scrollToLastMessageAnimated:) visible to the user, which is unwanted. contentInset = contentInset } This is working perfectly for UITextFields, But not working UITextView. If that is the case, then your problem could be that you are not defining the necessary constraints to the content view so that the scrollview can infer the content size. Without the UIScrollView Auto Layout works well with Top Layout Guide. I want to give you a sense of what we are building, so you can follow along and see how the view is constructed. 1 contentInset of the UIScrollView isn't working Apr 19, 2015 · Issue: UIScrollView's top contentInset has always 20px extra space. height let Apr 3, 2014 · I have several text fields on screen. But it doesn’t mean it’s working properly. Nov 29, 2010 · I debugged the frame of the UIScrollView and the contentSize and this is the result: UIScrollView. Sep 18, 2014 · I was wondering if it is possible to set contentoffset for uiscrollview in viewwillappear method. contentInset will not fix you view above kb, it will scroll up and down as you are seeing it in your case. Sep 28, 2013 · Can you explain how it's not working (how it acts after keyboard hides)? Note that on iOS 7, if you have a translucent navigationBar, your view controller will set a top inset to your scrollViews if not set otherwise. I wrote code in ViewDidLayoutSubviews Method. contentInset scrollVIew. The UIScrollView and UIImageView are the same size. cgRectValue let adjustmentHeight = ((keyboardFrame. It kind of works: for some reason I need large numbers (maybe above the view's height?) for it to do anything, despite all documentation of contentInset showing small numbers like 40. 0 (e. top and subtracting 44 from contentOffset. The safe area of a view reflects the area not covered by Dec 10, 2024 · contentInset: Adds padding around If the UITableView has a fixed number of rows and its size doesn’t need dynamic scrolling, embedding it in a UIScrollView can work. So you need to add "top, bottom, leading, trailing space to superview" on the UIImageView inside the UIScrollView. I am wanting to add a UIButton to the ViewController which I could do through code, however in this case, I want to add the UIButton to the ViewController using the Storyboard. Create a Basic Layout in Interface Builder. contentInset of the UIScrollView isn't working. Please have a look at my answer for a more robust solution. I have it working with one small visual issue that's bugging me. Jun 21, 2018 · I have a custom UIView which has a UIScrollView as a subview. scrollIndicatorInsets = contentInset but the scrollView is not adjust the way I want because field3 is still hiding half behind the keyboard. 8 Bounds automatically changes on UIScrollView with content insets. If I add subviews to the scroll view and set their Y to be self. This is set programmatically only. Jan 27, 2015 · The reason the offset can be negative is because the view also has a contentInset to the left. – GoGreen. height, 0) self. 1 but on iOS7. In any case, using contentInset is not the way to go since it doesn't go very well with paging, and the pages wouldn't contain the views that you expect, unless you center each view inside its 480 wide page. 0, instead of the height of my navigation bar. Requirement is the gap present between tableHeaderView and sectionHeader must be present over the tableHeaderView. By default, UIKit automatically adjusts the content inset to account for overlapping bars. Like so: Dec 8, 2013 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. In the viewDidAppear I set scrollView. Jun 20, 2018 · By default, UIScrollView automatically modify contentInset to move content downwards in order to UINavigationBar does not overlap your content. setContentOffset not working for UIScrollView inside UITableViewCell for the first time. The default value is zero. UIScrollView Content Insets not working for Keyboard Height. y > 0 before scroll Nov 25, 2010 · In IB I have my UIView. May 3, 2018 · safeAreaInsets in iOS 11. -(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [self. UIScrollView change contentInset Nov 5, 2014 · It might work in viewWillLayoutSubviews, but that gets called a lot, so you'd probably need additional logic and/or memory. Even if I remove the scrollRectToVisible call my scrollView still moves up. 6 Swift UIScrollView not scrolling but responding to setContentOffset and Delegate responds. Note: I am currently not using autolayout. Using scrollView. 0;//since you are trying to change the scrollview's y to -70 self. In that case I had to set contentInset with extra 44px so the UIScrollView will be scrolling under UISearchBar (exactly like in Contacts. 6. This is given at the time the view is being laid out. 0f); However, when I load the table view it seems the left and right contentInset have actually stretched the width of my table view by 10. No matter what constant value you give them, they will not resize your content view. Paste the following statement after the line that sets the scroll view’s autoresizingMask . top. This feels very odd to me since what I am seeing from the log is that UIScrollView. When I tap inside of the one towards the bottom, the keyboard appears over them. height - bounds. The code basically adds to the View Controller a UIScrollView with an image. y >= (contentSize. I am using UIScrollView with some labels, image and text view on it. It is almost working, but no matter what I try, I cannot get it to look correct when the view loads. Aug 13, 2012 · Setting contentInset of UIScrollView not working. height, but that introduced another strange behavior, where the content offset seems to be ignored. Apr 28, 2018 · What is UIScrollView’s contentInset? ContentInsets are pretty basic and I’m only including this section as a quick reminder for those that aren’t fully clear on the idea. contentInset contentInset. It will tell scroll view to add some extra space for scrolling. Its Working fine but I am running in XCode 7 and its not scrolling. In order for this to work: I'm changing scrollView's bottom contentInset to height of the keyboard in order to allow all content to be scrolled above it Apr 28, 2013 · I need to add some contentInset to my table view which I add in the init method of my UITableViewController. mainScroll2. intersects(UIView. There is no way to set contentInset in IB, I tried setting it in an IBAction to UIEdgeInsetZeio, but that didn't fix it either. mainScroll. – Dec 19, 2013 · I am facing a situation where contentInset applied from sectionHeader and cells. Aug 25, 2017 · In the UIScrollView I created two labels. May 3, 2011 · However this does not work, for the first en last NSLog i get this result: UIScrollView will not scroll, even after content size set. y <= verticalOffsetForTop } var isAtBottom: Bool { return contentOffset. My problem is when the view resizes, I wish to resize the scroll view and also reset its contentInset to this: scrollView. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. Apr 6, 2016 · I'm using iOS6. contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = . frame = {{0, 0}, {320, 367}}; contentSize = {300, 469}; As you can see the contentSize's height is larger then the frame size, although it can scroll to the position it does not show the indicators. and yes, I did try this method. The basic UIScrollView class supports the pinch-in and pinch-out gestures with a little amount of additional Apr 15, 2015 · I am trying to emulate iMessage in how the keyboard is dismissed when the user drags it to the bottom of the screen. This is the distance that the content view is inset from the enclosing scroll view. You need to move up the entire self. I have viewcontroller xib, not storyboard. contentInset. The custom distance that the content view is inset from the safe area or scroll view edges. Normally a contentInset just positions margins for the tableview inside it's UIScrollView and does not clip. But since it was 0 before the automatic resize, I would expect it to still be 0 after. contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 7, left: 7, bottom: 7, right: 7) Since updating to tvOS Beta 2, when setting the contentInset property on a UITableView the views are getting clipped visually. cgRectValue keyboardFrame = self. Zooming by Tapping. scrollIndicatorInsets Apr 11, 2014 · UIScrollView Content Insets not working for Keyboard Height. top == 0 2. bottom = keyboardSize. safeAreaInset modifier. Mar 13, 2018 · I have a sort of form with multiple textFields encapsulated in UISCrollView. 5 Changing UIScrollVIew Content Inset triggers scrollViewDidScroll. Thank you Sep 26, 2016 · If you change the contentInset property of the WKWebView's scrollView rather than contentSize, this seems to work quite well. The code is shown below: Mar 22, 2012 · UIScrollView contentInset not working. It also breaks when the text of your labels and because of that their heights change. left, bottom: /* keyboard height */, right: insets. Aug 9, 2018 · UIScrollView contentInset reset not working iOS8/9. 20 UITextView keyboardDismissMode Bug. As per usual, let’s start with the UIKit documentation for this new UIView (not just UIScrollView) property:. Aug 12, 2012 · I met alomost the same problem and CodaFi's solution just cannot solve my problem. 0. If I set the contentInset in viewDidLoad everything works as excepted. right) We then set the scroll view's contentInset. Sep 28, 2013 · page width is 480 (since that's the width of your scrollview); insets are together 320, which is less than 1 page. zik utcp izygu rkxxueb uquredw anpem pqqf ner jwq ncnzwm